Solar Panel

Solar energy is an advance technology used to utilize energy of the sun so as to make it usable. Every solar panel create a photovoltaic effect that harness photovoltaic cells to trap particles of light and detach electrons from atoms to produce electric. Solar are devices use to convert light into electricity. The combination of small or large solar cells and element (atom, electron, silicon, phosphorus etc.) make up a solar panel. Most solar panels (can be small or large) are primarily made of silicon with a layer of phosphorus and extra negative electrons to produce a charge for the positive electrons that are absorbed by the sun. Metal conductive plates and other elements also help to turn this energy into usable power supply. They can work together to provide enough power if a lot of small cells are spread over a large area. As soon as these rays are captured, the solar panel converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) alternating current by sending it through an inverter to provide electricity for our home or workplace. The more the sun hits the cell, the more electricity it produces.Solar panelscan found on things likerooftops, spacecraft, handheld calculators, etc.

Why You Should Go Solar

Coal and other fuel power plant emissions. For instance, in coal plant power, some traceable amounts of toxic particulates escape through air filtering systems and enter the atmosphere. Among the pollutants that leave the plantcan and enter the atmosphere include mercury which can contaminate our local ecological system and cause harm to plant, animals, plants and human inhabitants. Since solar power does not emit, it is more safe for our environment than other power plant.

Since solar panels convert light energy from the sun into heat and electric energy, they do not require any source of fuel. While coal, nuclear, oil and natural gas power plant depend on nonrenewable resources to produce power.

Since sunlight is always available at no cost and do not require any expensive mining and fuel processing. It operates for free once you installed a solar panel.

Another thing about solar panel, there is no much to do after you installed your solar panel. All solar panels require is just normal routine maintenance like keeping the surrounding clean (two to four times a week) and trimming any tree branches that can cause shadow over solar panel and prevent the sunlight from striking it. This routine may be carried out monthly or three to four times a year.

About Us

We are Singapore based company and a full-service solar power system solutions provider for homes, businesses, and more. We offer range of service like, solar system design, installation, consultation, monitoring and project management. Our service systems installation and other serve we offer are carried out by our competent and experienced staff to ensure compliance with quality assurance, safety standards and satisfaction of customers on commissioning.

Our Solar Panel Services

Since not all equipment is created equal. Just like many other product, you get you pay for. Our equipment may seem to be expensive but our system have better power production, less degradation, long durability and longer-lasting savings.

If what you are looking for a solar panel that can serve you for long period of time and has a strong warranty. All our product are good and of best quality with strong warranty. We provide a strong warranty to ensure our customers that we sell a reliable and trustworthy product.

Our company do offer a monitoring service that remotely monitors and carefully troubleshootsanything that can compromise or cause reduction of power production. We have asoftware that provide data on the battery level, energy consumption, and other systemtriggered across devices to make sure your solar system are well supported.

Sometimes, a solar panel is not always easy to install since it is a upgrade to our home or workplace. For instance, your roof space might not be adequate to provide you enough electricity.Our staff always conduct an in-depth architectural analysis your on property to see whether your location is perfect for solar installation. Our company offer an architecture and construction service to solve and create solutions such as garages, pergolas, long-lasting ground mounts and others.

Our solar installation are always as beautiful as it is beneficial! We have photos of our installationthat can help our customers to choose a suitable layout for the installation of our solar panel in our home or workplace. Our solar panel installation are design in a specific solar power system in accordance with the structure, amount of electrical appliances or electrical set-up of your property.

We conduct an environmental and structural analysis on our customer’s property to design budget proposals on costs and resource analysis that will be required to complete the project.Some installers usually cut corners by using outdated method to set up an installation, which can cost you more money later in future, damage of property and even increase your risk to injuries or worse. Wetake extra measures to ensure high safety and structural standards are guaranteed.

What Our Clients Saying

  • I would like to thank for the great installation services. The whole process was transparent, understandable and enjoyable.
    Vanny See
  • I was referred by my friend. The work was completed on schedule and in a professional manner. Very pleased!
    Jacqueline Kuan

Solar Panel Articles & Tips

September 19, 2024
Is Your Roof Suitable for Solar Panels

Is Your Roof Suitable for Solar Panels?

Is Your Roof Suitable for Solar Panels? As more homeowners turn to renewable energy solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills, solar panels have become an increasingly popular choice. Installing solar panels on your roof can be a cost-effective way to harness the power of the sun, but not all roofs are equally suited for solar energy systems. Several factors come into play when determining whether your roof can support solar panels effectively, such as the roof’s material, orientation, shading, and structural integrity. This article will provide an in-depth look at the key considerations for determining whether your roof is […]
September 19, 2024
Key Considerations Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof

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