Solar Panel
Solar energy is an advance technology used to utilize energy of the sun so as to make it usable. Every solar panel create a photovoltaic effect that harness photovoltaic cells to trap particles of light and detach electrons from atoms to produce electric. Solar are devices use to convert light into electricity. The combination of small or large solar cells and element (atom, electron, silicon, phosphorus etc.) make up a solar panel. Most solar panels (can be small or large) are primarily made of silicon with a layer of phosphorus and extra negative electrons to produce a charge for the positive electrons that are absorbed by the sun. Metal conductive plates and other elements also help to turn this energy into usable power supply. They can work together to provide enough power if a lot of small cells are spread over a large area. As soon as these rays are captured, the solar panel converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) alternating current by sending it through an inverter to provide electricity for our home or workplace. The more the sun hits the cell, the more electricity it produces.Solar panelscan found on things likerooftops, spacecraft, handheld calculators, etc.

Why You Should Go Solar
About Us
We are Singapore based company and a full-service solar power system solutions provider for homes, businesses, and more. We offer range of service like, solar system design, installation, consultation, monitoring and project management. Our service systems installation and other serve we offer are carried out by our competent and experienced staff to ensure compliance with quality assurance, safety standards and satisfaction of customers on commissioning.